Articles, sourced directly from yours truly, that may just answer ONE more question you have about this industry.
You Have 8 Seconds...
…to capture a prospect’s attention. Only moments to funnel leads and retain their engagement.
According to an article in Entrepreneur, the first hand you can play is having “catchy copy” to make your site stand out. -
You Write Copy, So Why Hire Me?
You’ve written copy before. In the early days of your business, you were doing EVERYTHING to get it off the ground.
The fact that you’re here? Tells me that you’ve gotten your business to the point where you can start to prioritize your time, while I optimize your copy.
What Copywriting IS...(and what it is NOT)
Considering how prevalent copywriting is in our society, in the thick of the digital revolution….
it’s a fairly inconspicuous profession. It’s a bit of eyebrow-raiser, head-scratcher to MOST people when you tell them that’s what you do for a living.
And so, for those of you that are asking…yeah but what IS it? I got you.
The Numbers Don't Lie
Words can mislead. People can be persuaded. But NUMBERS….they are reliable. I’ve pulled some stats from the American Writers & Artists Institute annual State of the Industry Report, so you can see the trends for yourself.
Compelling, Conversion Copy
An insider’s view into structure and strategy.