Hats off to you.

You put in the work from the beginning to do what you needed to do to get your business off the ground. 

And, since you had to quickly become a marketing guru, you likely found yourself filling *all* of the marketing roles. You were the social media manager, web designer, maybe even a fundraiser…and almost definitely a copywriter. 

You’re a person of action. Doing things for a greater cause is what you do.

So why hire a copywriter?   

Let’s think of it as something you can do (since we know you’re a do-er) that will elevate your business’ public impact and will free you up to DO other things. 

OK, so here’s a little marketing industry talk…

There are a LOT of pro copywriters out there, all with different levels of training. Some of them are moonlight copywriters, others have dedicated their whole career to it. 

Some of them write general copy, meaning they aren’t selective about their clients and will generate content and copy for anyone anytime. 

But then there are specialized copywriters. 

We’re the ones who occupy a little industry niche in the world of copywriting because we are connected to it or have a background in it. 

For example, you probably found me because you represent a business or organization that is dedicated to a globally-significant cause. You’re not pushing material products…you’re cultivating CHANGE (or maybe you are pushing material products in the interest of global CHANGE). 

And, I bet, you’re tired. You have gotten your business to a point where you can potentially outsource your marketing needs so you can get down to the business of doing what you want to do. 

You’ll be amazed at how much more time you’ll have when you get copywriting OFF of your plate. Wouldn’t it be so nice to be able to trust an industry specialist while you allocate your time to other aspects of your business? You may even be able to take some time for yourself…

I also know you’re probably well-versed in cost benefit analysis. Business-lingo for: “is it worth it?” Well, I’ll tell you, you’re not alone in the world of business owners and organization directors who have been writing their own not-half-bad copy. But, it takes a lot these days to stand out on the internet…there’s just so much of it to consume. 

A specialized, professional copywriter will elevate your internet performance by methodically generating leads, engaging prospects, and retaining their interest. 

Making things stand out on the internet is what we do. 

…so YOU, my fellow Do-er, can get back to the things that YOU do.